Friday, March 20, 2009

Plato & The Notion of Charisma

In Plato's, The Republic, Plato asserts that when man chooses freedom over justice, he paves the way for chaos. The mixed message is that individual behavior is to be uniform resigning itself to the norms of society, while campaigning the doctrine of limitless freedom. It's the idea of the "carrot and the stick." All processes have been designed for you to accommodate uniformity under the guise of free will. This seemingly contradictory state of affairs requires that you reconcile what appears to be irreconcilable. As such, it is imperative to begin rethinking how we view the world and our place in it. If civilization were designed to insure compliance within a social system, what would happen if we rewrote the process on our terms? At first glimpse a negative connotation of impending doom might be envisioned. Countless individuals forging ahead to implement their personal agenda despite the impact on others. However, we are not eliminating the aspects of civilization that work for perpetuity, but the aspects that prevent political and economic success. In short, we will make life conform to our way of thinking and thus revise the rules for civilization, which in turn creates synergistic and mutually beneficial relationships. How? By becoming amoral! Follow the social graces that lead to individual success, but reject etiquette that allow others to win at your expense. However, never break any laws. There is enough "wiggle room" to operate amorally without offending the sanctity of "fair play."

In the end, this paves the way for enhancing your charisma by a relentless quest to complete a mission.

Related: Charisma

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