Monday, March 16, 2009

Charisma & Fortitude

Basketball great Michael Jordan was not the Adonis of his neighborhood and as history has related, was largely underestimated and counted out as a basketball player. But, his personal charisma and thus his stature transcended the game of basketball.

President Bill Clinton came from an abusive and alcoholic family and wasn't seen as having a compelling nor awe-inspiring personality. In fact, he was marginalized during his college days at Georgetown University as being a "glad hander" willing to extend to the good graces of others without compunction.

While charismatics are often credited for demonstrating great confidence, what seems to be a part of their makeup is that many had earlier experiences of pain and degradation. By pulling themselves from the labyrinth of despair, they were able to reinvent themselves and thus develop an abundance of internal fortitude.

While great pain and despair may not be the sine qua non of becoming charismatic, it appears to be a catalyst for great charisma in many individuals. Such notion relate to the charismatic as a reformer or innovator. As a result of the painful experiences, he seeks to transform the world according to his personal vision as the proving ground for what should be the status quo. He relentlessly pursues a course to bringing this idea to realization, not necessarily out of the joy of being self-possessed, but by the pain of being disconnected. It is the connecting with his ideals that bare the fruits of the charismatic personality. The charismatic uses sheer will and determination with the objective always in the forefront of his mind to complete the mission with people serving as a residual source.

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